Fixed Wing UAVs

Our Fixed Wing UAVs are engineered for continuous airborne reconnaissance operations. These UAVs possess advanced capabilities and versatility, allowing them to seamlessly execute covert, extended-range day and night ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance) missions.

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Product Overview

These operations provide intelligence assets that encompass monitoring of Radio and Cellular Signals and rapid GPS-marked, high-definition video along with photogrammetric Tactical Mapping on Demand (TMOD).

Surveillance of ground situations, safeguarding territories, and installations from aerial vantage points

Monitoring radio (VHF/UHF) and Cellular Communications (2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G)

Conducting border patrols, coast guard patrols, and overseeing territorial waters

Providing Search-and-Rescue assistance

Assessing the condition of highways, railways, oil and gas pipelines, and powerlines

Monitoring environmental conditions of land, water areas, and air basins

Conducting mapping and aerial photography

Exploring fisheries and regulating fishing activities

Conducting aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare operations

Monitoring ice conditions in glaciated terrain

Observing ground situations during forest fires

Assessing settlements affected by floods

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Note:- All the system / equipments offered by us are for end - usage by Government or Ministry of Defence or its related agencies only and not for private or commercial usage.

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